Monday, February 23, 2009

Keeping up with the GPCVB!

Hey Everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Valentines Day! I sure did :) Well things at the CVB have been a little busy the past week. I have been working on a lot of projects involving the new Spring Stimulus and have been getting a lot of data complied in a condenced form for the website. One of the big projects that the Marketing Department has been working on is to really bring revenue into the Great Phoenix Area and keeping the businesses alive.

With the harsh economic times we are facing, there has been a lot of downfall in the tourism area including the restaurant business and the accomadation/lodging industry. People aren't spending money the way that they use to so what the CVB is doing is they are compiling information of discounts that the local resorts and restaurants are offering and putting them on the website for its viewers. Definitley check it out, there are a lot of great deals out there ( . This is a great chance to go try out a new restaurant or even get a weekend break from your everyday life and stay at a resort that you normally would never stay at. Just a few ideas.

Other then that, I have jsut been staying busy with updating the website's calendar section, adding new photos to the online photo tour, and doing research on the GPCVB's competition. These are all part of my everyday tasks here. It's suprising that this week will mark my half way week with the CVB for the purpose of the internship. Very exciting.

I hope you all are enjoying yourselves and learning a lot.

Keep in touch!



  1. Isn't it interesting how you can not go seven hours with out bringing up the economy. It affects our everyday life especially because of the field we are in. It sounds like you are having a lot of fun and keeping busy at the CVB, you have such a great internship and regardless of the economy doors will open for you because of the CVB. Thanks for posting the site with the deals.

  2. I am definitely checking out the website. I am always looking for a new restaurant to experience. And with deals, I am even more motivated to go. It's nice being at the CVB, because you are constantly being updated with industry news and specials. It's hard not to pay attention to the never-ending news about the economy and tourism. Now, Obama is planning to have the government oversee how companies spend their money on meetings/events. Society is changing, and figuring out how to adapt to the changes successfully is hard. Being a marketing intern gives you the opportunity to go to another field not related to tourism. It's a great career to be a part of.
