Well last week was a pretty slow week. There really was not much to do around the office. I worked on a couple of projects here and there for the Marketing Department but a majority of the tasks that I did came from other departments such as the Travel Industry Department, Communications and Sales. Nothing really too strenuous, just mainly inputting data and filing folders.
This week has been the same. I just met with Sara Owen on Monday morning for the mid-term site visit, which everything went well. She met with my Supervisor Kim and she also met with Eric who is the Marketing Assistant who I mainly get all of my projects from when Kim doesn’t have anything for me. It was a short meeting and we basically talked about what I have been doing for the past 9 weeks and what I would like to see myself doing for the next 5 remaining weeks of the internship. It’s kind of weird to think that it is almost over and it will be time for graduation. Real world time.
Other exciting news for us, President Obama is coming to speak at Arizona State’s University Commencement. How exciting is that. Not too many people who graduate get to say that the President came and spoke at their Graduation Ceremony. We are just one of three school to be lucky enough to have him grace us with his presence on this exciting day. So I hope you all take advantage of this opportunity because tickets will be numbered and we definitely are lucky to get first dibs on the tickets.
Other than that there really isn’t much else to talk about.
Keep in touch!
Nikki!! That is so great that you are meeting with other people from different departments. With our major and type of industry we are trying to get into it has a lot to do with who you know and who knows you! My mid-term visit is this coming Tuesday, I hope it is quick and easy! Good luck girl!!