Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nearing the End....

Well last week was a pretty slow week. There really was not much to do around the office. I worked on a couple of projects here and there for the Marketing Department but a majority of the tasks that I did came from other departments such as the Travel Industry Department, Communications and Sales. Nothing really too strenuous, just mainly inputting data and filing folders.

This week has been the same. I just met with Sara Owen on Monday morning for the mid-term site visit, which everything went well. She met with my Supervisor Kim and she also met with Eric who is the Marketing Assistant who I mainly get all of my projects from when Kim doesn’t have anything for me. It was a short meeting and we basically talked about what I have been doing for the past 9 weeks and what I would like to see myself doing for the next 5 remaining weeks of the internship. It’s kind of weird to think that it is almost over and it will be time for graduation. Real world time.

Other exciting news for us, President Obama is coming to speak at Arizona State’s University Commencement. How exciting is that. Not too many people who graduate get to say that the President came and spoke at their Graduation Ceremony. We are just one of three school to be lucky enough to have him grace us with his presence on this exciting day. So I hope you all take advantage of this opportunity because tickets will be numbered and we definitely are lucky to get first dibs on the tickets.

Other than that there really isn’t much else to talk about.

Keep in touch!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Back after Break!

Hey Everyone,

Well the last two weeks went by pretty fast. Mainly considering the fact that I only worked on day last week because the other four days I took off for spring break, which I spent back in Wisconsin visiting family and friends. As some of you may know already, I did also come back will a little more than the chills, I also got a fractured ankle from slipping on ice which we obviously don’t deal with here is Arizona. Other than that, I had a nice relaxing vacation at home.

Well the work in the Marketing Department is kind of slow so I have been offering my help around the office. I helped out a lot with organization for some of the other employees around the office. It didn’t bother me doing that kind of stuff because I am a total organizational freak. I like to have things in places where I know I can find them right away. Plus, an organized office is a successful office. Pretty much anything I can do around the office, I hope will make it more successful.

Other than that, it’s a new week and I just made it through my first day back to work after spring break and the whole fractured ankle ordeal.

Hope everyone had a great spring break and stayed safe.

Keep in touch!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Busy Bee at Work!

So last week was a very interesting and busy week. I worked a lot with resorts in the valley and throughout Arizona getting contact names and getting our files up to date. One of the things that I was working on was making sure we had the correct contact name for individuals at resorts that would receive sale leads. This was interesting because I was able to talk to a lot of different people that were in the position that I one day would like to be in, Director of Sales and Marketing. That would be ideal for me.

This was a time consuming project that carried over to this week and now I am finally done with it. Not only was it a time consuming project but it also gave me an opportunity to network and work on my verbal communication skills. I feel that verbal and written communication can make or break you. In order to be successful you need to know how to communicate with others.

Other than that last week went by very fast. As an ongoing task I do everyday, I have been updating events, photos and information for CVB members also. I definitely can say that I have learned a lot in these short weeks and feel that I have definitely gotten my foot in the right door by doing an internship with the CVB and it has been very beneficial.

Keep in touch!
