Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time Flies on Intern Row

So as I come to a close to my third week of working at the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitor Bureau I think about how quickly these last three weeks have gone by. It’d hard to believe that I only have 11 weeks left and then it's time for the real world.

During this last week, I have found that I am starting to get the hang of what it means to be a marketing intern with the GPCVB (as many of you might not know, that stands for the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitor Bureau. I will be using this sporadically throughout my blogs.) This last week I have gained more responsibility as I am now dealing with more aspects of the website including uploading and photoshopping photos for the members and the local businesses here in the Greater Phoenix Area. Not only that, but I have also been dealing a little more with the Prop 302 projects and helping out my supervisors as much as possible whenever needed. As for those of you that are following other classmates blogs, you may have observed the fact that I have three other classmates interning right along side me in what is known as Intern Row (a bunch of computer cubicals in a room where all the interns have a place to call their own.) I have Alexis who is the Travel Industry Sales Intern, Natalie who is the Housing Intern and Diana who is the Membership Intern (part-time). Everyone is great and we all have one goal in common, to help make the CVB successful during these troubling economic times! Who could ask for a better team? :)

I know that interning can seem like tedious work and even boring work at times, but I have found that no matter how tedious something maybe or even how boring something maybe, you always have to do it 110% because those little things may make a BIG difference in the long run.

With that said, I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the FBR Open and watching the Cardinals in the Super Bowl on Sunday. Oh and don’t forget, have a FABULOUS weekend! Maybe I’ll see some of you out on the greens.
Keep in touch!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Networking is everything!

Hi Everyone! So I am almost done with my second workweek here at the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitor Bureau. I have already learned so many great things within this short period of time. There really has not been too much excitement around the office but I was given a great opportunity this morning to go to a meeting held by the Marketing Department (which I intern for) at a local resort here in Phoenix. Attendees to this meeting included the Directors of Marketing and Directors of Sales at local resorts here in the valley. This was wonderful for me because I was able to network myself with these few individuals in an area that I would love to get into, Hospitality and Marketing (perfect).

As weird as this may sound, I actually got this idea for a website while sitting in the meeting and listening to participants discuss their pros and cons about what is out there right now and what they would like to see as far as internet and such. So with that said, I think this is something that I should really look into. I have always liked to try out new things and see how far I can push my limits so this definitely will be a limit pusher considering I really know very little about website construction. Oh well, I will just have to see were things take me.

But as for next week I really am not sure what is all in store for me but we will definitely have to see!

Keep in touch!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Week of a New Life!

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year because I know I did. Well to start off with, I just recently started my Internship with the Great Phoenix Convention and Visitor Bureau Monday January 12, 2009. I am working in the Marketing Department as the Intern and I am expecting to learn a ton throughout the next four months.

To start off with the first week, there was a lot of housekeeping to be done. Before I could really get into any large projects, I needed to learn how the Marketing Department within the CVB works. I learned how to update the website, mail out any information that the CVB offers to their members/clients or individuals just acquiring information about the Great Phoenix Area and many other simple office tasks.

One of my duties for the first week was to set up informational interviews with other Directors with the CVB and learn exactly what they do here. I found these to be great. One of the interviews I had was with an individual who works in the exact department I am wanting to work in and they gave me a ton of information and really got me thinking about how I want to get into a position such as they are holding.

Not only have I done that, but last Friday I worked over at the Phoenix Convention Center an was a vendor for the Rock N Roll P.F. Chang’s Marathon. All thanks to the CVB. I am already headed down the right track.

Keep in touch. There will be more to come :)
